人工智慧(AI)正快速重塑全球科技與制度的運作方式, 不僅推動了技術創新的前沿,還對社會結構與規範帶來深遠影響。 本工作坊將探討 AI 在制度運作中的多層次影響,並透過多種視角,包含制度理論分析, 探討科技進步與社會結構間之交互作用。本次徵稿特別關注 AI 如何改變並重塑組織規範、社會實踐以及制度框架, 揭示科技與制度之間的動態關係。本活動由國立陽明交大法學院與世界跨領域制度經濟學研究網絡 (WINIR) 青年組織 WINIR Young Scholars, Law as Science, INET Young Scholar Initiative (YSI), Asian Law School Association (ALSA): Chapter on Law and Technology 合作舉辦。
其中,WINIR 匯集來自社會科學和人文學科的學者,致力於探索制度相關的議題,
- 本活動聚焦於人工智慧相關的制度,
討論範圍涵蓋人工智慧運作的法規、基礎設施(如人工智慧晶片、 半導體、資料中心等), 以及它們對經濟制度與人類福祉的深遠影響。 - 對象:博士生在學中或取得博士學位三年內。
- 錄取參與者將優先考量發表於交大法學評論特刊 (經雙盲審稿),
- 日期:2025年5月17日 (當日時間另行通知)
- 形式:線上舉行
- 徵稿形式:英文大綱500字以內
- 徵稿期限:2024年12月31日
[Call for Submissions: AI and Institutions ]
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is profoundly transforming the global landscape, reshaping not only technological innovation but also institutional operations and social structures. This workshop seeks to critically interrogate the intricate and multidimensional impacts of AI across diverse institutional domains. Specifically, it aims to explore the intersections of technological advancements and societal structures through the lens of institutional theory, considering how AI both disrupts and reconstitutes organizational norms, practices, and frameworks.
This event is co-organized by the NYCU School of Law, the World Interdisciplinary Network for Institutional Research (WINIR) Young Scholars, Law as Science, the INET Young Scholar Initiative (YSI), and the Asian Law School Association (ALSA): Chapter on Law and Technology.
Some more information about WINIR: WINIR accommodates a broad conception of institutions as systems of functioning social rules. There are other definitions around, but generally the idea of rules is central. The focus is thus on the making, following, contestation, and evolution of social rules, which enable, frame, constrain, expand or disrupt human cognition and action. WINIR’s primary emphasis is on those vital institutions — including organizations — that impact human well-being and sociality, support cooperation and collective action, and affect the production and distribution of wealth.
Event Highlights
We invite early career scholars working on theoretical and practical insights within the field of institutional theory related to the emergence of AI and the interaction between institutions and AI. Projects based in or relating to the Global South are of particular interest, as well as work related to or concerning the semiconductor, chip, or GPU industry.
Accepted participants will be given priority consideration (subject to peer review) for publication in a special issue of the NYCU Law Review (has been included in HeinOnline) and the possibility to be invited for presenting at the 29th National Conference on Technology Law in November, 2025, Taipei.
Currently Enrolled Ph.D. Students or Scholars within three years of earning their Ph.D.
Event Details
Date: May 17, 2025 (Exact time TBA)
Format: Online
Submission: English abstract of up to 500 words
Deadline: December 31, 2024
Submission Link: https://forms.gle/2nrHmGuz39mGfEoe7
This workshop is part of the NYCU School of Law Anniversary Event Series