「聯合國發展高峰會」在2015 年發佈《改變我們的世界:2030 年永續發展議程》,該議程是為了人類、地球與繁榮制定的行動計劃,規劃了17項永續發展目標,該計畫自2016年1月1日生效,作為未來15年間(至2030年)的指導原則。陽明交大以成為世界頂尖一流大學及全球高科技產業研發與創新之重鎮為期許,將結合17項永續發展目標作為學校發展之經緯,致力培養具地球公民責任觀之人才,投入促進人類生活福祉之研究。





Welcome to the National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University School of Law (NYCU Law), where innovation, excellence and leadership thrive. Here at NYCU Law, we are strongly committed to providing our students with an exceptional and intimate environment for learning. We accomplish this through maintaining a small student body size, which allows students to find the intellectual exchange they seek with their fellow classmates and the faculty.
We make it our mission to prepare students for leadership roles in the rapidly evolving world. Our belief in diversity, responsibility and social awareness has driven us to reach beyond borders and collaborate with distinguished law schools from across the globe. Interaction among different cultures and nations is highly regarded, and we encourage graduating students to continue their studies overseas.
We are in an ongoing quest to search for new areas of legal education to incorporate into our curriculum. NYCU Law offers pioneering interdisciplinary studies between law and economics, technology, medicine, psychology, gender and other fields. We believe that our diverse course offerings enable our students to see the different perspectives of law.