

一、 依據國立陽明交通大學跨域學程實施辦法,國立陽明交通大學科技法律學院(以下簡稱本學院)為鼓勵學生進行跨領域學習,建立跨域學習深度,協助學生拓展第二專長,提供學生可以在畢業學分不增加(或僅少量增加)情況下,修畢跨域學程,特訂定本要點。

Article One  These  Implementation Guidelines are prescribed by National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University School of Law (hereinafter referred to as Our School) based on NYCU Cross-Disciplinary Program Implementation Regulations to provide the opportunity for students to proceed cross-disciplinary learning without increasing graduate credits (or only a few extra credits) in order to encourage students to conduct cross-disciplinary study, build the depth of cross-disciplinary study, and assist students to expand second specialty.


Article Two  For students of other departments who would like to apply for cross-disciplinary program and choose law as their cross-disciplinary specialty, they should submit the application to their original department within the announced date. All applicants must be approved by both their original department and the Law School.

三、外系學生修讀跨域學程且選擇本系做為其跨域專長者,其課程包含:校必修(含共同必修 28 學分),原系基礎必修課程,原系跨域模組課程,以及選擇列示於『科技法律學院跨域模組課程必修科目表』中任一模組課程,畢業學分以128學分為原則,並於畢業證書原系名稱後加註「智慧財產權法」或「生醫法律」或「資通訊法律」或「跨國法律與國際談判」或「社會正義、性別平權與勞動權益」為其跨域專長。

Article Three  The courses for the students of other departments who would like to study for cross-disciplinary program and choose Our School as their cross-disciplinary specialty include required courses of the university (including 28 credits of general education subjects), core curriculum at their original department, cross-disciplinary module curriculum at their original department, and the module curriculum listed on “The Required Course List for the students study cross-disciplinary module curriculum in School of Law” with at least 128 graduate credits. The “Intellectual Property Law” or “Biomedical Law” or “Information and Telecommunication Law” or ” Transnational Law and International Negotiation” or “Social Justice, Gender Equality and Labor Rights” will be remarked as their cross-disciplinary specialty after the title of their original department on the diploma.


Article Four  Our School assigned one full-time teacher to be the mentor of the cross-disciplinary program and formed mentor group with teachers of cross-disciplinary program at other department or college to give guidance to cross-disciplinary program students.


Article Five  In order to encourage different departments or colleges working together for the proposal of cross-disciplinary curriculum, the number of teaching hours for the innovating integrated curriculum offered by more than two teachers could be calculated by the actual time of teaching according to Subparagraph 6, Article 9 of National Chiao Tung University Teaching Hours Accounting Principle; however, it will be in accordance with the official approval of the curriculum before the course starts.


Article Six  If there is any unaccomplished matter of these guidelines, it shall be handled in accordance with the school constitution of our university as well as other relevant regulations.


Article Seven  These guidelines were approved by Curricular Committee at university level and then submitted to the Council of Academic Affairs for approval-for-reference before putting it into practice; the same shall be done upon any amendment thereto.

類別(一):智慧財產權法跨域模組 必修科目表(下載)

類別(二):生醫法律跨域模組 必修科目表(下載)

類別(三):資通訊法律跨域模組 必修科目表(下載)

類別(四):跨國法律與國際談判跨域模組 必修科目表(下載)

類別(五):社會正義、性別平權與勞動權益模組 必修科目表(下載)

類別(六):科技法律跨域模組 必修科目表(下載)
