CHUANG Hung-yu (莊弘鈺)


Assistant Professor

Ph.D., University of Washington School of Law

Research Expertise :

Patent Law, Competition Law, Administrative Law

  • Ph.D., University of Washington School of Law
  • LL.M., University of Washington School of Law
  • MBA, National Cheng-Chi University School of Business
  • LL.B., National Taiwan University School of Law
  • B.S., National Taiwan University School of Engineering (minor in Business Administration)
  • Intellectual Property Law, Patent Deployment, Competition Law, Administrative Law
  • Intellectual Property Law, Competition Law
  • 莊弘鈺, Regulatory Competition between the United States and China in Standard Essential Patent, 第二十屆全國科技法律研討會(2016.11)
  • Luke Hung-yu Chuang, Chinese Standardization System: Past History, Current Statue, Future Changes, 21st EURAS Annual Standardisation Conference ‘Co-opetition and Open Innovation,’ Montpellier, France (2016.6)
  • Luke Hung-yu Chuang & Jane K. Winn, Competition between the United States and China in Standard-setting: Case Study of 3G, 4G Telecommunication Technology, Fourth Annual Research Roundtable on Technology Standards (2016.5)
  • Luke Hung-yu Chuang, Antitrust Problems in Standard Essential Patents? the U.S. and Chinese Perspectives, Visiting Researcher Workshop, University of California, Berkeley, United States (2016.3)
  • Luke Hung-yu Chuang, Licensing Regulation of Standard Essential Patents – Lessons from the United States and China, Launch Seminar of Applied Research Center for Intellectual Assets and the Law, Singapore Management University, Singapore (2015.5)
  • 周延鵬、莊弘鈺,WiMAX技術標準與產業鏈、價值鏈、供應鏈之關係,智慧財產之重大議題(二):技術標準與通訊產業-以WiMAX為例國際研討會 (2007.3)
  • 莊弘鈺,創新活動下之智慧資本衡量系統:以IC設計公司為例,知識經濟與管理知識研討會暨2006年中華亞太經濟與管理學會年會 (2006.12)
  • 周延鵬、陳郁婷、官欣雨、莊弘鈺、林宜靜、葛孟堯、林家聖,跨國專利侵權訴訟管理機制之建立,技術尖兵,第141期 (2006.9)
  • 周延鵬、莊弘鈺、林家聖、林宜靜、官欣雨、葛孟堯、陳郁婷,資訊科技如何於智慧財產經營運用,技術尖兵,第139期 (2006.7)
  • 周延鵬、林宜靜、莊弘鈺、林家聖、官欣雨、葛孟堯、陳郁婷,建構專利提升企業競爭力,技術尖兵,第136期 (2006.4)
  • 周延鵬、莊弘鈺、林家聖、林宜靜、官欣雨、葛孟堯、陳郁婷,創造專利最大價值之教戰策,技術尖兵,第135期 (2006.3)
  • 莊弘鈺、侯慶辰、鄭芸芸,台商在大陸技術之佈局─以金寶、鴻海集團為例,兩岸智慧財產商品化研討會:(一)技術鑑價及技術交易 (二)智財佈局與技術分工 (2004.9)