合聘教師_Robert B Leflar


rbleflar〔at〕uark.edu / rbleflar〔at〕gmail.comn


1982 美國哈佛大學公共衛生碩士

1977 美國哈佛大學法學博士

日本東京大學 Foreign Research Student, Graduate Div. of Law & Pol. Science

日本早稻田大學 Japanese language studies

1972哈佛學院(Harvard College) A.B. magna cum laude


Since 1982:

  • University of Arkansas School of Law (tenured 1989; professor since 1996; retired 2020)
  • University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (adjunct professor of medical humanities, College of Medicine, since 1998; professor in College of Public Health since 2003)
  • National Taiwan University (visiting professor 2019-2022)
  • National YangMing ChiaoTung Univ. School of Law (visiting professor, 2017, 2021-2023)
  • Tokyo Univ. Faculty of Law (visiting prof. 2005-06; frequently visiting research scholar)
  • Hendrix College (adjunct professor, 2018)
  • Keio Univ. School of Medicine, Dept. of Health Policy & Mgmt. (visiting professor 2010-14)
  • Keio University Law School (visiting professor 2013)


  • Public Citizen Health Research Group, Washington, D.C., staff attorney specializing in medical devices and diagnostic products (the only full-time consumer advocate in these fields at the time in the U.S.), products liability, and the Freedom of Information Act


  • Law clerk to Judge George Edwards, U.S. Court of Appeals for the 6th Circuit, Cincinnati




2006: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science grantee, affiliated with U. Tokyo Faculty of Law

2005-2006: Japan Foundation Center for Global Partnership grantee, same affiliation

2005: Japan Foundation Fellowship grantee, same affiliation

2000-2002: Abe Fellowship (Social Science Research Council) grantee: Harvard School of Public Health, Takemi Fellow in Int’l Health (fall 2000); Tokyo Univ. Faculty of Law (2001-02)

1996: Abe Foundation (Center for Global Partnership) travel grantee

1992: Japan Foundation Fellowship Grantee, affiliated with Tokyo Univ. Faculty of Law

1988-1989: Fulbright Research Scholar, affiliated with law faculties at Nagoya University (1988-89) and Tokyo University (1989)


自1982年,美國阿肯色大學法學院教授Since 1982: University of Arkansas School of Law (tenured 1989; professor since 1996; retired 2020)

University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (adjunct professor of medical humanities, College of Medicine, since 1998; professor in College of Public Health since 2003)

臺灣大學訪問學者National Taiwan University (visiting professor 2019-2022)

陽明大學科法學院訪問學者National YangMing ChiaoTung Univ. School of Law (visiting professor, 2017, 2021-2023)

東京大學法學院訪問學者Tokyo Univ. Faculty of Law (visiting prof. 2005-06; frequently visiting research scholar)

Hendrix College (adjunct professor, 2018)

Keio Univ. School of Medicine, Dept. of Health Policy & Mgmt. (visiting professor 2010-14)

Keio University Law School (visiting professor 2013)


1978-1981: Public Citizen Health Research Group, Washington, D.C., staff attorney specializing in medical devices and diagnostic products (the only full-time consumer advocate in these fields at the time in the U.S.), products liability, and the Freedom of Information Act

1977-1978: Law clerk to Judge George Edwards, U.S. Court of Appeals for the 6th Circuit, Cincinnati

