Research Interests
- Corporate Law and Financial Regulations, Economic Crime, Corporate Lawyering and Business Negotiation
Teaching Courses
- US Corporate Law
- US Securities Law
- White Collar and Economic Crimes
- US Banking Law
- US Antitrust Law
- Corporate Governance and Corporate Lawyering
- Mergers and Acquisitions
Research Achievement
- Concentrated Ownership and Corporate Group: Myth and Its Economic Analysis. American Society of Comparative Law Younger Comparativists Committee Workshop on Comparative Business and Financial Law, UC Davis, California, U.S.A (2016,2).MOST 105-2914-I-009-004-A1.
- Regionalization of Renminbi: A Tale of Taiwan and Hong Kong. Finance in Asia: Regulating Regional Markets, University of Hong Kong School of Law, Hong Kong (2015,11)
- The Political Side of Corporate Law: Two Tales from Taiwan and the Demise of a Corporate Group. CLTA (The Corporate Law Teachers Association Annual Conference) 2015 Conference, Melbourne Law School, Melbourne, Australia (2015,2)
- Controlling Shareholders and the Political Side of Corporate Law: A “Rock-And-Hard-Places” Tale from Taiwan and Its Implications. ASCL Younger Comparativists Committee (YCC) Workshop on Comparative Business and Financial Law,, UC Davis School of Law, California, USA (2014,11)
- Insular But Afloat: The Case of Taiwan in 2008 Financial Crisis and Its “Wall” Strategy. American Society of Comparative Law Workshop on “After the Economic Crisis: The Small State as Problem or Solution?, University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland (2014,11)
- Business Models at Crossroads: A Tale of Two Recent Commercial Mergers in Taiwan and Its Lessons, NTAFA, University of Wisconsin (2014,6)
- Cost-Benefit Analysis of Insider Trading Law and Its Enforcement: A Comparative View from East Asia, University of Chicago Law School, Summer School in Law and Economics Colloquia (2013,7)
- Insider Trading Law in Asia: China, Hong Kong, Japan and Taiwan Visited, ASCL-YCC Conference (2013,4)
- An Economic Appraisal of Concentrated Ownership and Corporate Group, University of Chicago Law School, Summer School in Law and Economics (2012,7) Colloquia
- 公開揭露理論的界線—從證券法觀點觀察交易成本、替代模型、與不同效率觀,台灣經濟學會2012年會,台灣中央大學(2012.12)
- 經濟分析對內線交易法的攻擊與檢討 從Henry Manne與 Jonathan Macey的觀點談起,與資訊流入促進市場效率在台灣個案的檢證,中央研究院第四屆「法與經濟分析」學術研討會(2012.6)
- The (Possible) Roles of the Chinese Independent Director Mechanism Under the changing Macro Political-Economic Settings: What Has Been Done and Two Possible Models for the Future, World Wide Junior Corporate Scholar Forum, Columbia University Law School, New York, U.S.A.(2008)
Refereed and Journal Papers
- 林建中(2021年06月),銀行分離管制之基礎理論:美國法之介紹與比較反省。政大法學評論。(已接受)。
- 林建中, 吳奐廷(2021年06月),知情交易、證券交易的三面結構、與內線交易的外沿。交大法學評論。(已接受)。
- 林建中;李揚(2021年01月),中國大陸內幕交易法介紹與刑事處罰實證研 究:1997-2019(Insider Trading Law in China and Its Criminal Enforcement: 1997-2019)。中正財經法學,第 22 期 /103-185 頁。
- 林建中(2020年11月),公司商業機會原則的判斷──美國法上的經驗。收錄於「二十一世紀財經法潮流:林國全教授榮退祝賀論文集」(ISBN: 9789865532826)(427-448)。台灣台北:新學林出版股份有限公司。
- 林建中(2020年09月),美國證券法上效率市場的認定:近年案件發展。月 旦民商法雜誌,第 69 期,63-80 頁。
- 林建中(2020.09),股東表決權信託與表決權拘束契約相關問題:美國德拉瓦州法與臺灣法對照,台大法學論叢,第49卷第3期∕Vol.49, No.3 (09. 2020)(TSSCI論文)
- Chien-Chung Lin, Huan-Ting Wu(2019,Mar), How to test an insider trading law and its effectiveness: Price movements and comparative empirical data from Taiwan, INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF LAW AND ECONOMICS, Vol.57,pp.22~36.
- 王文宇、林建中(2017年10月),內幕交易法適用於金融衍生工具?:從SEC v. Rorech 案談起 。北京清華大學商法研究中心“21世紀商法論壇”17 屆國際學術會議“融資創新與監管 ”,北京。本人為通訊作者。
- 林建中(2017年8月),操縱股價的刑事責任,收錄於「內線交易與操縱股價法律與政策」(謝哲勝主編,ISBN:978-986-255-928-4)(p.110-130)。台灣台北:元照出版公司。
- Chien-Chung Lin(2017, Sept), ETF, Stock Exchange Interconnection And The Looming Problems, Masaryk University Journal of Law and Technology, Vol.11, No.2, pp. 267-290.
- Chien-Chung Lin & Eric Hung(2016, Mar), U.S. Insider Trading Law Enforcement: Survey of SEC Actions from 2009 to 2013 and Issues, NTU Law Review, Vol.11, No.1. pp.37-79.
- Chien-Chung Lin & Eric Hung(2016, Mar). U.S. Insider Trading Law Enforcement: Survey of SEC Actions from 2009 to 2013 and Issues. NTU Law Review.
- 林建中(2014.7),美國德拉瓦法上股份收買請求權的計算方式與衍生問題,政大法學評論
- 林建中(2013.12),從證券法觀點觀察強制公開揭露理論的界線與替代模型,交大科技法律評論(Vol.10 Iss.2)
- 林建中(2013.4),一個關於累積投票制的疑惑,政大法學評論。本人為第一作者、通訊作者。
- Chien-Chung Lin(2012, Jun). The Chinese Independent Director Mechanism Under Changing Macro Political-Economic Settings: A Review of Its First Decade and Two Possible Models in the Future. American University Business Law Review, Vol. 1, Issue 2.
- Chien-Chung Lin(2012), The Chinese Independent Director Mechanism Under Changing Macro Political-Economic Settings: A Review of Its First Decade and Two Possible Models in the Future, Vol.1 Iss. 2, American University Business Law Review
- 林建中(2011.5),從美國德拉瓦公司法看臺灣股東訴訟的基本類型與問題-以最高法院九十九年度台上字第一六五○號及第一四○一號判決為例,月旦法學雜誌,192期,215-226頁
- Chien-Chung Lin(2010, Mar). Japanese Independent Director Mechanism Revisited: The Corporate Law Setting, Current Status and Its Explanations (2010). Temple International and Comparative Law Journal, Vol. 24, Number 1.
- Chien-Chung Lin(2010.3), The Japanese Independent Director Mechanism Revisited: The Corporate Law Setting, Current Status, and Explanantions, 24 Temple Int’l & Comp. L. J. 65-128 (2010).(Westlaw)
- 林建中、林仁光(2010),台灣獨立董事制度實證調查初步結果,收錄於「兩岸上市公司法制研究」法律出版社,北京(與台大法學院林仁光教授合著)
- 經濟分析對Insider Trading的攻擊:從Henry Manne與 Jonathan Macey的觀點談起,發表於「交大/常在公司法論壇」,交通大學主辦,2010 年3月.
- 一個關於累積投票制的疑惑,發表於「資本市場與企業法制研討會」,逢甲大學主辦,2009 年3月.
- The(Possible) Roles of the Chinese Independent Director Mechanism Under the changing Macro Political-Economic Settings: What Has Been Done and Two Possible Models for the Future, World Wide Junior Corporate Scholar Forum, Columbia University Law School, New York, U.S.A.(2008)
- 中國的獨立董事制度,收錄於「中國大陸第十七輯論文」,2008。
- 美國證券交易法上操縱行為之規定與檢討,法務通訊,2002年12月至2003年1月。
- 隱私權概念之再思考—關於概念範圍,定義及權利形成方法,台大法律研究所碩士論文,許宗力教授指導,1999年1月。
- 隱私權概念初探─從美國法之觀點切入,憲政時代,第23卷第1期,1997年7月。
- 中共涉外經濟合同法析要,收錄於大陸財經事務法律諮詢手冊(一),亞太研究院出版,1997年。
- 我國對私立學校管制之理論基礎、基本態度、管制手段及其間矛盾性之探討,憲政時代,22卷,第1期,1996年7 月。
Books/Book Chapters
- 林建中(翻譯)(2019年11月)。Randy J. Holland在台公司法演講集 (ISBN:9789869824903)。台灣台北:社團法人中華公司治理協會。
- 林建中(翻譯)(2019年08月)。解構公司法:比較與功能取徑(ISBN: 9789865407025)(1)。台灣台北:新學林出版社。
- 林建中等(翻譯)(2018年11月)。內線交易研究指南 (ISBN: 9789862959060)(1)。台北:新學林出版社。
- 林建中等(2017年04月)。專業守門人與公司治理(ISBN: 9789862956465)(1)。台北:新學林出版社。
Selected Publications
- The Japanese Independent Director Mechanism Revisited: The Corporate Law Setting, Current Status and Its Explanations, Temple International & Comparative Law Journal, Vol. 24, No. 1 (2010).
- The (Possible) Roles of The Chinese Independent Director Mechanism Under the Changing Macro Political-Economic Settings: What Has Been Done and Possible Models for the Future, American University Business Law Review, Vol. 1, Issue 2 (2012).
- A Suspicious Case of Cumulative Voting, Chengchi Law Review, Forthcoming in 2013.