Professor Emeritus
Honorary Chair Professor
Founding DeanFounding Director of ITL
Ph.D (Engineering), Texas A&M University
Research Expertise :
Patent Law
- Ph.D., Engineering, Texas A&M University, Bachelor/Master, National Taiwan University
- Chairman, Taiwan Technology Law Association
- Editor-in-Chief, Technology Law Review
- Visiting Professor, National University of Singapore
- Visiting Scholar, Centre of Socio-Legal Studies ,University of Oxford
- Adjunct Professor, A.B. Freeman School of Business, Tulane University
- International Arbitrator, International Court of Arbitration, International Chamber of Commerce
- Fellow, Chinese Society for Management of Technology
Courses Taught
- Empirical Study of Law
- Seminar on Patent Law and Practice
- Intellectual Property Law
- Legal Thesis Writing and Methodology
- Case Analysis of US Intellectual Property Litigation
- Intellectual Property and Intellectual Capital Management
Research Achievement
- “To Sue or not to Sue: Co-opetition in the Patent Market” Paper presented at the Portland International Conference on Management of Engineering and Technology [PICMET 2012], Vancouver, Canada, Jul 27- Aug 2, 2012.
- “Patent Market Dynamics: In View of the Business Models of Non-Practicing Entities.” Paper presented at the 1st International Conference on Management of Intellectual Property and Strategy [MIPS2012], IIT Bombay, Mumbai, India, pp. 417-437, Feb 2-5, 2012. (Best Paper Award)
- “Quest for the Missing Linkage: Knowledge- Based IP Generation Strategy for Academic Institutes.” Paper presented at the 1st International Conference on Management of Intellectual Property and Strategy [MIPS2012], IIT Bombay, Mumbai, India, pp.381-392, Feb 2-5, 2012.
Refereed and Journal Papers
- Quantifying the Georgia-Pacific Factors for Calculating Reasonable Royalties, Review of Integrative Business and Economics Research 2(2), 261-275.
- 劉尚志、湯舒涵、張添榜,2013。專利進步性要件之判決分析 (由美國專利案例觀照台灣最高法院及最高行政法院判決),台灣法學雜誌220期,99-116,2013年3月。
- 劉尚志、張添榜、陳薈穎,2013。專利均等侵害判斷之判決分析(由美國專利案例觀照台灣最高法院及最高行政法院判決),台灣法學雜誌219期,112-143,2013年3月。
- 劉尚志、陳瑋明、賴婷婷,2011。合理權利金估算及美國聯邦巡迴上訴法院之判決分析,專利師,第5期,66-85頁,2011年4月。
- S. J. Liu, 2010. Strategic Management of Intellectual Assets: The Financial Service Platform UXB2B, Chinese Taipei, Strategic Intellectual Asset Management for Emerging Enterprises, pp. Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Human Resource Development Working Group, Capacity Building Network, 2010.
- 劉尚志,吳俊英,2010。美國破產法中智財授權契約當事人破產之法律問題,月旦法學雜誌,第184期,111-135頁,2010年8月。
- 劉尚志,王俊凱,王思穎,2010。美國專利損害賠償之計算方法,智慧財產訴訟新制專題研究,1-45頁,智慧財產法院,2010年。
- 劉尚志、何彥蓉,2009。公平會管制事業警告函管制效果之實證研究─以懸疑效果為中心,第十七卷,第三期,51-97頁。
- 王俊凱,王文杰,李友根,陳群顯,陳建宏,劉尚志,2009。美國、台灣與中國大陸之專利侵權民事損害賠償實證研究,科技法學評論,第六卷,第一期,1-74頁,2009年4月15日。
- 劉尚志,林三元,2008。科技法律之本質與範圍,月旦法學雜誌,第166期,111-135頁,2009年3月。
- 劉尚志,2008。司法全球化與國家競爭力-典範移轉下的法制變革,檢察新論,第四期 ,1-11頁,2008年7月。
- .劉尚志,林三元,宋皇志,2006。走出繼受,邁向立論:法學實證研究之發展,科技法學評論,第三卷,第二期,1-48頁,2006年10月。
- 劉尚志、王俊凱、張宇樞,2005。美國國際貿易委員會(USITC)專利紛爭之案例分析與因應策略,萬國法律,第142期,10-22頁,2005年8月。
- 林明儀,劉尚志,王敏銓,2005。美國專利訴訟中關於”律師-委託人特權”與”工作成果豁免權”之探討,科技法學評論,第二卷,第一期,111-146頁,2005年4月。 (Ming-Yi Ling, Shang-Jyh Liu and Min-Chiuan Wang, 2005. Attorney-Client Privilege and Work Product Doctrine Immunity of the U.S. Patent Litigation, Technology Law Review Vol. 2, no.1, pp.111-146.
- 陳志杰、劉尚志,2004。論均等論之比對方式-逐項測試法之優缺點探討,科技法學評論,第一卷,第二期,397-425頁,2004年10月。
- 劉尚志,劉耀仁 2004。數位內容產業與盜版:魅影產業改造經營模式,科技發展政策, SR9310,pp 797-811
- Liu, Y.J & Liu, S. J, 2004. Innovations and national policies: Taiwan’s flat panel display industry, Asia Pacific Tech Monitor, Vol. 21, No. 2, Mar-Apr, pp 52-62
- 劉尚志,陳佳麟,2000。電腦軟體與電子商務專利保護之發展歷程,萬國法律,第113期,3-17頁,2000年10月。
- Technological Innovation and Strategic Adaptation in Product Life Cycle, Technology Management-Strategies & Applications Vol. 5, pp.183-202, 2000.
- Liu, S. J., Hwang, T. L. and Chen, Q. H., 1998. International Development of Taiwan‘s Information Industry: An Empirical Study on Human Resource Strategy of Overseas Subsidiaries, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Vol.45, No.3, pp.296-310.
- Liu, S. J., 1998. Industrial Development and Structural Adaptation in Taiwan: Some Issues of Learned Entrepreneurship, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Vol.45, No.4, pp. 338-348.
- Liu, S. J. and Shyu, J., 1997. Strategic Planning for Technology Development with Patent Analysis, International Journal of Technology Management, Vol.13, No.5/6, pp.661-680.
- 劉尚志,莊國祥,1997。專利侵害鑑定與技術創新概念之探討,台大法學論叢,26卷3期,263-307頁。
- Liu, S. J. and Lee, J. F., 1997. Liquid Crystal Display Industry in Taiwan, International Journal of Technology Management, Vol.13, No.3, pp.308-325.
- 劉尚志,徐炯升,1996。臺灣發光二極體上游產業技術發展策略之研究,中山管理評論,4卷1期,42 -62頁。